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10 ways to make the final 5 weeks of 2021 count

Few events are as iconic and universal as the New Year’s Eve countdown. In every country, moments before the clock strikes 12:00, everything comes to a standstill except the collective sound of joyous people counting backwards from 10 to usher in the new year. One last chance to contemplate the previous 12 month before the slate is wiped clean.

To that end, we decided to honor this tradition with a final countdown of our own. Over the next five weeks, we’ll be sharing 10 pieces of content—a mixture of the best of global mobility from 2021 and strategic inspiration for 2022. And in the spirit of the holidays, we’ve included a free gift for all in our countdown. We’ll announce it over the coming weeks on LinkedIn, so be sure to follow us if you aren’t already.

We’ll start counting backwards from 10 tomorrow with the following post: 10 important topics for HR in 2022 until we finish with one piece of content that you won’t want to miss.

May the coming weeks be full of festive happiness for you and yours. Happy counting!

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